Kneehill votes against land redesignation | DrumhellerMail
Last updateWed, 05 Feb 2025 3pm

Kneehill votes against land redesignation

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At the Tuesday, May 14, Kneehill County Council Meeting, council members were presented with a Request for Decision to give second reading to Land Use Bylaws 1895 and 1896, in order to have a Redesignation of Lands in the County for a proposed landfill to be constructed.

Waste Connection of Canada’s Integrated Waste Management Facility proposed for Kneehill County, was met with great opposition from a full house of nearby residents at the Tuesday, April 23, Public Hearing.

Council heard from many members of the public who expressed their concerns of what the landfill will mean for their livelihoods. Including Meagan Metzger, who owns and operates a campground within eye distance of where the proposed landfill would be. “We have a recreational place for people to fish, camp and enjoy nature. We are very concerned about the smell that will be travelling, and we are very concerned about the seagulls as well,” expressed Metzger about how the project would greatly impact her business.

In the end, those in attendance pleaded with council to do the right thing and vote against the second reading.

“This is our decision today around the redesignation, and it is our responsibility to make that decision in a way that not only benefits Kneehill County, but protects the people who live here,” states Kneehill County Reeve Ken King. “I think from my point of view, if we say yes to the redesignation, we are technically saying yes to the landfill.”

“I never got a clear definition when we sat in the Public Hearing to any of the questions, the ones in which came from the 377 letters (received from the public before the deadline) I read,” expressed Councillor Fobes. “I did put myself in the shoes of every single person who wrote those letters because I am affected by it and we are all in this together.”

“So what is the wish of the Council?” asks Reeve King.

Councillor Fobes moves second reading to Bylaw 1895 & 1896 Land Use Bylaw Amendment to Direct Control Districts.

With six votes for no, and one for yes, the motion failed.

“This is such great news! I am very much relieved and a bit surprised,” Metzger tells the Mail. “I was on the fence on how they would vote.

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