Hussar Freemasons celebrate centennial | DrumhellerMail
Last updateFri, 14 Feb 2025 10am

Hussar Freemasons celebrate centennial

Mason 1

On Saturday, May 27, The Freemasons, Grande Lodge of Alberta, Hanna Lodge #78, Drumheller Symbol Lodge #93, Hussar Lodge #130, Drumheller Lodge #146, and other Masons from around Alberta met at the Dalum community hall. They met to celebrate the Hussar #130 100 Anniversary. After the celebrations, the Grande Lodge of Alberta installed the 2023 officers of the four respective lodge. Hanna Lodge #78, Drumheller Symbol Lodge #93, and Hussar Lodge #130 all have celebrated 100 years of Freemasonry. Everyone is returning next year when Drumheller Lodge #146 will celebrate its 100th Anniversary.

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