Preparations underway for May provincial election | DrumhellerMail
Last updateWed, 05 Feb 2025 3pm

Preparations underway for May provincial election

Copy of vote

While it seems like the campaign has already begun, the writ for the next provincial election isn’t expected to be dropped for another two and a half months. Preparation for the coming election is already underway.
Drumheller-Stettler Returning Officer Janice Hoover, from Delia, has been appointed once again to oversee the provincial election slated by law for May 29, 2023.
“Once again we will have our main returning office in Hanna, but they also let us have a satellite returning office in Provost,” Hoover tells the Mail. “That will help serve people in the northeast area.”
This will be the first election in Alberta with a fixed election date. This has allowed the organization to get a jump start.
Hoover says the election clerks are in place and are bringing in support staff. The next step will be recruiting election day workers and workers to staff the advance poll workers. This should happen in late March and early April.
Her responsibility is, “To follow the Election Act and make sure that everyone who is eligible has the opportunity to vote,” said Hoover. “In an area as geographically large as our electoral division is, there are lots of details and plans that need to be laid and accounted for.”
There have been a few changes to the polling locations.
“Some of our voting areas are geographically larger because of the success of the advance polls. In the last election, more people took advantage of the advance polls,” she said.
Hoover said some of the polling stations were very quiet because of the advance polls. The poll locations are confirmed.
“This is earlier than usual because usually, we had to wait because we didn't know when the election is, because you had to wait for the writ to be dropped, but because this is the first time there has been a planned fixed election date, we were able to get our voting places sorted out earlier,” she said.
The Where to Vote Cards are expected to come out in the near future.
"According to the Elections Alberta timetable, we are right on track, or ahead of schedule,” said Hoover.

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