Hussar council to consider backyard chicken bylaw | DrumhellerMail

Hussar council to consider backyard chicken bylaw

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Hussar village council has directed administration to draft a Backyard Chickens bylaw for first reading consideration following the regular Thursday, June 30 council meeting.
A resident first brought forward a proposal to keep backyard chickens to the regular June 8 council meeting, citing a recently passed Backyard Chickens bylaw from the Town of Strathmore.
Since the June 8 meeting, administration and council have received emails and a letter in support of the proposal.
Several benefits were listed in the proposal. This included giving children in the village an opportunity to participate in 4-H Clubs with a poultry program, increasing sustainability for residents by collecting eggs and having a means to reduce garbage through feeding backyard chickens garden scraps, as well as controlling bugs and providing natural pest control.
Among the provisions considered in the proposed bylaw are the number of laying hens permitted per residential property, minimum coop or run sizes, and license fees.
The Backyard Chickens bylaw will come back before council for first reading consideration at a future council meeting.