New CAO appointed in Rockyford | DrumhellerMail

New CAO appointed in Rockyford


The Village of Rockyford has ended its search and unanimously approved appointing the new Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) during the regular Wednesday, May 11 council meeting.
Council officially welcomed Lori Miller as CAO on May 11, though Ms. Miller had spent some time working and training alongside former CAO Elaine Macdonald as she transitioned into the role.
“Council, having had its first meeting with Lori (on May 11), saw qualities to do the job and, in the last 30 days have felt comfortable appointing her as CAO,” says Rockyford Mayor Darcy Burke. He adds council is eager and excited to work with Ms. Miller going forward.
Mayor Burke shared this will be Ms. Miller’s first time fulfilling a role as a municipal CAO. Ms. Miller’s strong background in finance made her a good candidate from the limited pool of applicants who had applied for the position.
He adds she is excited to undergo the additional education and training to receive the necessary credentials for the position.