Resident of Maple Ridge Manor 1 tests positive for COVID | DrumhellerMail

Resident of Maple Ridge Manor 1 tests positive for COVID

IMG 7829

Residents of Maple Ridge Manor 1 on 2nd Street East, are being tested for COVID-19 after a resident tested positive.
Residents of the 29-unit lodge, operated by the Drumheller District Seniors Foundation (DDSF), received a letter on Monday, November 9 informing them a resident had tested positive.
A second letter was received on November 10 informing residents there would be testing on this day, at 1 p.m. DDSF CAO Glenda Youngberg said the tests are being expedited.
The letter noted residents are to self-isolate for 14 days or until test results have been received. Visitors are not able to visits until the foundation has received an okay from Alberta Health Services (AHS).
Tom Zariski board chair of DDSF and Drumheller Town Councillor said the foundation is in contact with AHS and it is exceeding the AHS recommendations.
“The place is locked down and the residents are basically isolated, which is above and beyond what AHS requires,” said Zariski. “That has been pretty much the standard procedure for the foundation throughout COVID.”
‘Unfortunately, all it takes is somebody to be in contact with somebody, and they don’t even know it, and that’s how this thing spreads.”
Should residents require groceries or prescriptions, they are to make arrangements with family, friends, or the store to have them delivered to the front door.
The Mail has also learned that Pioneer Trail Centre in Downtown Drumheller has been closed.
Currently, according to AHS, there are four active cases in Drumheller.