Carbon amends land use bylaw for new subdivision development | DrumhellerMail

Carbon amends land use bylaw for new subdivision development

Diamond Estates Subdivision

The Village of Carbon held a public hearing on Monday, August 17 regarding proposed amendments to its land use bylaw to allow the development of modular and manufactured homes in the village’s Diamond Estates subdivision.

A first reading of the amendments were heard at the village’s regular council meeting in July.

“As a council we want to bring more people to this community. We love our community and we want to see it grow,” Deputy Mayor Renee O’Brien said during the hearing.

No written correspondence was received and the council opened the floor to participants calling in and attending the meeting in-person.

The audience showed support for the proposed bylaw amendment.

Concerns arose regarding the definition of modular homes, as well as questions about other development options not included in the bylaw.

One resident voiced their concern regarding their previous attempt to gather financing to develop in the subdivision but hit a “brick wall” with homebuilders. According to the resident, they can get approval for a higher mortgage in Calgary or Airdrie but not in Carbon.

Mayor Bryan Peever and CAO Vanessa Van der Meer noted the concerns brought forward by the resident were behind the proposed changes to the bylaw.

Village residents also put forward suggestions to council, including the consideration for tiny home development due to their popularity and allowing homes older than the maximum 10 year limit to be considered, on an individual basis.

Councillor Dan Clow said, “Just because tiny homes are not on the list today doesn’t mean they wouldn’t be allowed.” He added any applications which fall outside the scope of the current bylaw would be up to the discretion of the Municipal Planning Commission on an individual basis for review.

Prices on lots in the subdivision were lowered previously, and council is hopeful the changes to the land use bylaw will help drive development of new homes in the subdivision.

Carbon council held their regular meeting following the closure of the public hearing and a brief recess. The second and third reading of the bylaw amendment was heard during the regular meeting, and both readings were passed unanimously.