Town rewards mask use with 'Dino Bucks' | DrumhellerMail

Town rewards mask use with 'Dino Bucks'

DinoBucks poster

As other municipalities, like Banff and Calgary, pass mandatory mask bylaws, the Town of Drumheller is trying a different approach.

Rather than enforcing mandatory use, a reward program called Dino Bucks was passed at the August 5 council meeting.

In a media release from the town, CAO Darryl Drohomerski said, “Enforcing the wearing of masks through a bylaw is challenging in a community as spread out as the Drumheller Valley and requires significant resources to achieve compliance.”

Dino Bucks will be handed out by participating retailers in the valley to customers wearing masks, which can be redeemed for a face value of $5 off their purchase.

Drumheller Mayor Heather Colberg said, “The joy of this program is that it also supports local business and encourages people to maybe visit stores they haven’t visited before.”

The hope is reward rather than enforcement will encourage more residents and visitors to the valley to use masks in stores and other indoor locations where two-metre social distancing measures may not be possible.

The town will allocate a total of $5,000 to generate 1,000 Dino Bucks for participating retailers across the valley; signage will be provided to participating businesses to encourage mask use in-store. Participating retailers will be reimbursed 90 per cent ($4.50) of the voucher’s value by the town.

Dino Bucks will run from Friday, August 7 until Wednesday, September 30.