Wishing you a happy Mother's Day | DrumhellerMail

Wishing you a happy Mother's Day

With Mother’s Day on Sunday, May 10, The Mail asks:
What is the best advice your mom has given you?

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Lylia Fuller
“Always wear clean underwear.”

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Mikki Koopmans
“Even if you are not the oldest, be the wisest.”

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Neejra Negi
“Trust yourself and be independent.”

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Keith Hodgson
“Treat people fairly.”

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Hugh Sommerville
 “Wash your hands.”

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Nick Contenti
Don’t sweat the small stuff.

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Maryann Vogel
“Better to be seen than heard.”

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Helen Dube
“I told my kids to finish school, you can
always be what you want in life.”

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Lyn Cuncannon
“Love your neighbour as yourself,
that way you’ll have peace.”