Family Day Unplugged breaks attendance record | DrumhellerMail

Family Day Unplugged breaks attendance record

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Drumheller Valley FCSS had a hugely successful Family Day Unplugged event this year. There were events throughout the valley from Curling to an Escape Room. The inflatables at the Badlands Community Facility were a huge hit, as always.

“We had 709 people come to the Badlands Community Facility, which smashed the 2017 record of 570!” said April Harrison FCSS Coordinator for the Town of Drumheller. “I want to say a huge thank you to the volunteers from Badlands Hellraisers, DVSS, St Anthony’s school and the wider community. Also thank you to the Family Fun Committee, Drumheller Curling Club, Drumheller Public Library and Town staff who gave up their Family Day to make this year the best yet.”

With the theme of Unplugging from electronic devices, Drumheller Valley FCSS and partners such as the Drumheller Public Library, Family Fun committee and the Drumheller Curling Club worked hard to organize different activities that would be enjoyed by residents of all ages.

“Research shows us that families that are connected and spend time together are more resilient and this also strengthens communities. Taking time to disconnect from our electronic devices and play together is part of this” continued Harrison.

There were also 7,986 visitors at the Royal Tyrrell Museum on Family Day, which is the largest number of patrons on one day ever in the history in the museum.

Would you like to see more free family focused events in the community? The Family Fun Committee is always looking for new members and ‘friends of’ to help plan and support family focused activities. Contact Drumheller Valley FCSS, 403-823-1315 to find out more.