Lost dog returned after six days | DrumhellerMail

Lost dog returned after six days

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 It was a Valentine’s Day miracle for one Drumheller family after its pet dog spent almost a week on the lam.

The community poured its heart out and kept its eyes peeled for little Gia, a Maltese belonging to the Carey family. She went missing last Saturday, February 9. On Friday morning, February 14, she was spotted near the community of Greentree. The family was called, and now Gia is safe at home.

           “I can’t get over how wonderful the town has been. The support and everybody looking,” said Bob Carey, who was very thankful to get Gia back.

 This comes after a harrowing week. The family used social media to get the word out about their lost pet. On Monday, there was a sighting, however, the frightened animal evaded its rescue.

The search kept up, the family even enlisted the help of a canine rescue company from Calgary to help find the animal, and also posted a reward.  Carey said on Friday morning, he was notified Gia was spotted. This time passersby took the care to not frighten or try to capture Gia, and Bob was able to coax her out from under a car with some treats.

            Carey said they took her to the veterinarian right away, and she is in good health. 

“She has a little bit of a fever and she lost about a pound and half,” he said. “So we have some meds for her to take over the next week and some meds to get her fever down. We are feeding her a little bit at a time, she’s obviously hungry and thirsty, but I can’t believe how she survived.”

 He is very grateful for the support of the community.

“There is a sign at DVSS that says, ‘it takes a community to raise a child.’ It took a community to find a Gia.”