8th Annual Carlie Bell Memorial Scholarship awarded by Bell family | DrumhellerMail

8th Annual Carlie Bell Memorial Scholarship awarded by Bell family

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Carlie Bell was an exceptional 4-Her. She was extremely active in Drumheller District 4-H and the Morrin Multi 4-H Club. In 2011, Carlie died of viral encephalitis after a work exchange travel adventure in New Zealand and Australia. Carlie had great leadership skills and promoted 4-H involvement. The Carlie Bell Memorial Scholarship promotes working for the benefit of the group at the Club and District Levels.
    The scholarship goes to a senior member who has been a 10 year 4-H member and who has contributed to both his club and district. The 2019 Carlie Bell Memorial Scholarship presented by Terri Huxley, was awarded to Brett Holowath of the Rumsey Rowley 4-H Beef Club.