Police find cache of stolen property | DrumhellerMail

Police find cache of stolen property

IMG 4254

On the afternoon of October 2, 2019 Drumheller RCMP executed a search warrant on a residence in the townsite.

Police recovered thousands of dollars worth of stolen property including electronics, collectibles, historical documents and identity documents that the suspects are alleged to have been removing from uninhabited residences throughout the Drumheller area over the past few weeks.

Police are working hard to return the property to the owners and determine ownership of some items. Charges are pending against a number of persons involved in the possession of the stolen property.

Police continue to encourage the public to report their stolen items and to document any valuables in their homes, garages/shed with serial numbers and pictures in the event they are stolen. When search warrants are executed, many times property is unable to be seized when there is no report of the items ownership or status of having been stolen. With high-end items, etching tools in a hidden spot with either a name of a unique symbol is recommended as well as additional protection.