Rockyford set to celebrate centennial tomorrow | DrumhellerMail

Rockyford set to celebrate centennial tomorrow

Centennial Logo Colour 1

It has been 100 years in the making, but Rockyford is ready to party like its 1919 at its centennial celebrations.

The organizing committee has been working on the celebrations for two years to make  Saturday, June 29 memorable for the community as well as leave a lasting legacy. Mayor Darcy Burke says that the committee has shown great dedication in preparing the village to mark the occasion. He says the celebration is a tribute to the forefathers of the community, but as well as the community that is there today. While many rural communities have come and gone, there is something special that makes a village like Rockyford stay vibrant for a century.

The day starts out in Rockyford tradition with a pancake breakfast, after that, there is the parade.

The Village has worked hard to make Main Street look the part. They have completed a major upgrade by adding boardwalk style sidewalks and have installed turn of the century style lighting.

  They have also designed and installed a historic walking tour of downtown. They have installed interpretive markers throughout the core and have identified interesting sites including a hospital and a gambling den.

The afternoon will leave lots of time for visiting at the community hall where there will be more history on display. There will also be a crafters market and art show. There will be kids face painting and games.

At 2 p.m., there will be the rededication of the Union Cemetery.  Earlier this year volunteers undertook a massive effort of refurbishing headstones and had a company come in and do a density scan of the site resulting in the discovery of 30 unmarked graves. Volunteers have erected crosses to honour their resting place. Through their records, they were also able to identify some of the people who were buried.

In the evening there be a special dinner and there are more than 800 confirmed. While there are no longer tickets on sale for the dinner, there are tickets available to dance in the dust.  Drew Gregory and Renegade Station will be performing at the Rodeo Grounds, with dancing in the infield. They will take a break from the music at 11 p.m. for fireworks.

Tickets for the dance are available by calling the Rockyford Village Office.

As unbelievable of a celebration it is shaping up to be, it is not the only thing happening in Rockyford. On Sunday, June 30 there will be the annual Bullarama and then stay in town for Canada Day celebrations on July 1.