Outdoor pool opening delayed | DrumhellerMail

Outdoor pool opening delayed

IMG 9351

Due to discovering a leak, the Town of Drumheller is delaying the opening of the outdoor pool.

Town crews have been working over the last couple of weeks to get the outdoor pool open for the season. 

While filling the pool with water, it was discovered that more than 30 per cent of the pool’s water was lost in a 24 hour period. 

The crews are working on finding and fixing the leak. Once the leak has been identified and the pipes repaired, the pool will be filled and tested and then be ready to open up to the public. 

“The timeline to fill, heat, and receive a water sample result is about eight days which means the pool will not be open by Canada Day,” said Julia Fielding communications officer for the Town of Drumheller. “We are all very frustrated by this leak and we are working hard to get the Outdoor Pool open as soon as we can.” 

“We recognize the inconvenience that the delay in opening the outdoor pool causes and we apologize for the delay,” said Dave Brett, director of Infrastructure Services. “Crews are working hard to fix the issues and we hope to get the pool open as soon as possible for everyone to enjoy."