Paul Andrew retires from Hope College | DrumhellerMail

Paul Andrew retires from Hope College

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Hope College will be moving in a new direction with new leadership. This comes after Paul Andrew announced he would be stepping away as chair after five years of service.
Hope College is undergoing more changes as it works to officially adopt its new moniker Badlands Community College. Andrew was a big part of the post-secondary school’s growth and survival. Under his leadership, there was a transition to a new structure, adoption of programs and three physical moves.
In that time he has seen 14 students graduate from its array of offerings and there are currently eight students studying at the institution.
“We need some new people to step up and take this on,” said Andrew.
Executive Director Dave Watson is grateful for Andrew’s service.
“It was a tough time, but he kept it going,” said Watson. He hopes they are able to find someone to fill the positions.
“One of the most important positions in the school is the chair and it is going to be vacant January 1, and we need to find someone who is willing to take on that really important role.”
“We want some new blood to define our future. We would like some new people on the board through the name transition so they become the Badlands Community College Board,” said Watson.