DVSS Christmas variety show debuts Thursday | DrumhellerMail

DVSS Christmas variety show debuts Thursday

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Students at DVSS will be hosting the first ever totally-student run production to cap off the semester later this week when they put on their Christmas Variety Show, featuring mash-ups and reinterpretations of a number of holiday classics.

This Thursday and Friday audiences at the Kaleidoscope Theatre will expect to see several musical performances of classic Christmas songs and scenes and snippets from holiday movies such as Elf, Charlie Brown, Rudolph the Rednosed Reindeer, and National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation. Co-director Brandon Holden says the production, with cast members from junior to senior high, will delight audiences with their unique adaptions.

“We were originally wanting to do a single idea, but thought it would be a lot more fun and interesting if we had a celebration of these huge classic holiday movies that already mean so much to everybody,” Holden said. “It’s fun for the audience to see our own interpretation of these movies. We’ve put our own little touches here and there.”

“It’s all these characters that we’ve grown up with on stage being interpreted and given characteristics that were not as exaggerated in the movie, but that we’ve pushed to the forefront to make more interesting and fresh. We definitely wanted to keep the vibe of the shows, but nothing seems like its ‘copy and pasted.”

The production is independent of the school curriculum but is being run in conjunction with the school’s drama department and will provide students with volunteer hours. Tickets will be a monetary donation at the door which will be donated to the Salvation Army for their Christmas drive. Showtimes are at 7 p.m. on both December 20 and December 21 at the Kaleidoscope Theatre, attached to DVSS.

“It’s a fun way to give back to the community,” Holden said.