Town launches online budget survey | DrumhellerMail

Town launches online budget survey

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The Town of Drumheller is inviting property owners to share their thoughts on their priorities for the upcoming 2019 budget with an online survey.

The results of the survey will be shared with town council prior to their strategic planning session ahead of work on the budget.

Town CAO Darryl Drohomerski says the survey is for taxpayers to provide input on town programs and levels of service to help inform administration’s choices.

“Each year, as part of the budget process, choices have to be made that impact the taxes you pay and the level of service the town can provide,” he said.

Communications officer Julia Fielding says the public survey process is a part of the town’s newly implemented public participation policy.

“The vast majority of people who took the participation survey requested online consultations. However, if people would like to support with completing the survey, paper copies will be available at the Badlands Community Facility, the Drumheller Public Library, and town hall.”

The link to the survey is on the town’s website at