Extra Speaker Series Friday | DrumhellerMail

Extra Speaker Series Friday

RTMP AdrianDromaeosaur

The Friday, March 23 session is a presentation by Dr. Donald Henderson, Royal Tyrrell Museum of Palaeontology, and Adrian Karaguesian and Ingrid Silver, of Ancient Plumage Workshop, ON, entitled “Feathered Dinosaurs Unleashed.”
    In the 1960s, a number of lightly built, fast and agile dinosaurs were discovered. With these discoveries, the idea that birds might be descendants of dinosaurs began to grow. Over the past 20+ years, the remains of many new types of dinosaurs have been found with feathers. Feathered dinosaurs offer interesting questions about the evolution of theropods, birds, and the linkages between these groups. Dromaeosaurus albertensis is one of Alberta’s most well-known feathered dinosaurs.
In this presentation, Dr. Henderson will discuss feathers and their origins, and what these discoveries mean as we think about dinosaurs as once living animals. Adrian Karaguesian and Ingrid Silver are artist sculptors, who have been involved in a number of projects to create highly realistic birds and feathered dinosaurs for museums. The Royal Tyrrell Museum will be unveiling four remarkably detailed sculptures of Dromaeosaurus albertensis that will help audiences become more familiar with these animals.
    The Royal Tyrrell Museum’s Speaker Series talks are free and open to the public. The series is held  until April 26 at 11:00 a.m. in the Museum auditorium. Speaker Series talks are also available on the Museum’s YouTube channel: youtube.com/c/Roy