Vote for your favourite dinosaur for new street signs | DrumhellerMail

Vote for your favourite dinosaur for new street signs

Tyrannosaurus Rex

Here's your chance to have some fun and give the coolest names to Drumheller’s streets signs.
The Town of Drumheller needs your input for the selection of the most popular dinosaurs from its past.
In addition to adding secondary naming of Dinosaur Streets medallions featuring the images of selected dinosaurs will be added to pedestrian wayfinding signs (images below). The project will reinforce Drumheller's commitment to be the noted "Dinosaur Capital of the World."
Some examples of dinosaur names that might be cool include: Tyrannosaurus Drive – Home of the World’s Largest Tyrannosaurus Rex, it might be fitting to have a street named after one of, if not the most famous of Canada’s dinosaurs. Triceratops Avenue – the most famous of the horned plant-eating dinosaurs Triceratops had 3 horns, perfect for defending itself from those darn meat-eating dinos. It may make sense to go for a walk on "Triceratops Avenue”
It’s up to YOU to decide your favourites from a list of 30 dinosaurs that that once lived in Drumheller. Voters are encouraged to choose their top 10 favorite dinosaurs. the results will be compiled and announced on July 6, 2017.
Printed voting sheets are also available at Town of Drumheller facilities (Badlands Community Facility, Aquaplex and Town Hall) and upon request by sending a request to with "Dinowalk" in the subject heading. Make your vote count by selecting 10 of your favorites.
Not sure which dinosaurs you like the most? Visit and enter the dinosaur's name in the search field to find out more about the creatures that have shaped Drumheller's dinosaur obsession.