Mayor Declares Local State of Emergency - Flood Protection Measures Ramped-up | DrumhellerMail

Mayor Declares Local State of Emergency - Flood Protection Measures Ramped-up

DRUMHELLER, June 22, 2013 – 6:45am

Mayor Yemen declared a local state of emergency following revised river flow forecasting from Alberta Environment.  The Town of Drumheller is now bracing for a 1 in 100 Flood event and efforts to curtail major damage to the community will be ramped-up today as conditions change.

Updates will be given as more information becomes available.

The next scheduled update will be at 9:30am on Saturday, June 22, 2013.

We continue to stress to citizens that the best way to be informed about the situation is to monitor local internet and radio based media as well as the Town’s Facebook page and website for the latest information at

For more information – visit the Alberta River Forecast website at: