Legacy Fund deadline nears | DrumhellerMail

Legacy Fund deadline nears


The Drumheller & District Chamber of Commerce is once again sharing the wealth of the World’s Largest Dinosaur with community groups in the Drumheller area.


The Chamber of Commerce is accepting applications for the World’s Largest Dinosaur Legacy Fund, and will continue to do so until September 1. The funds will then be presented later this fall.

“We are looking for projects that are less than $3,000. For example, new projects or capital project repairs,” said Heather Bitz, general manager of the Chamber of Commerce. “We like the opportunity, when we’re dealing with smaller projects, we can do more.”

Community non profit groups and historic sites areeligible and encouraged to apply.

The Legacy Fund has been given out twice per year since 2005 after the loans from the construction of the World’s Largest Dinosaur were paid off.

“Once we had all that money freed up we put it into the Legacy Fund and give back to the community, which was the original intent of the World’s Largest Dinosaur. We wanted to generate revenue to give back to the community through community economic development initiatives,” said Bitz.

Bitz estimated the Legacy Fund has given or committed $467,000 to the community and has funded a wide variety of projects, including $250,000 to the Badlands Community Facility.

“Some of the more recent projects we have funded are we gave some money to the First Drumheller Scouts to build some shelving units to store all their camping supplies, we gave funding in 2011 to Rowley Community Association to do repairs to school house windows, we’ve given funding to the Library, Drumheller Legion for the Cenotaph relocation project,”

Applications can be found online at www.drumhellerchamber.com, by calling 403-823-8100, or hard copies can be found at the Chamber of Commerce office at the World’s Largest Dinosaur.