Judicial review of GuZoo closure postponed | DrumhellerMail
Last updateFri, 10 Jan 2025 12pm

Judicial review of GuZoo closure postponed

    Owner of GuZoo, Lynn Gustafson was hoping for his day in court, however it looks like he might have to wait.
    For how long? He doesn’t know. In the meantime he is able to still operate his facility.
    Last week a judicial review of the order to shut down the Three Hills facility was adjourned indefinitely. The hearing was slated for the end of January. The GuZoo was ordered decommissioned last spring after images of the animals posted on the Internet created waves. Gustafson appealed the decision.
    “We were supposed to do this judicial review on the 28th of January, and now it is put off indefinitely. I don’t want that,” said Gustafson. “I wanted it done with.”
    According to the Alberta Government’s Sustainable Resources Development (SRD) web site, “On December 21, 2011, an adjournment postponing legal action to no fixed date was implemented as part of legal proceedings.”
    “The thing that makes it so darn stupid is they want more time to get it (case) ready. If you are going to shut someone down. you should have your reasoning written down,” said Gustafson.
    For the first time in its history the GuZoo voluntarily closed for the season, although it remains open by appointment for holders of a family pass. They are slated to reopen to the public in April. According to the SRD website they must operate under strict court-imposed conditions.
    “There are conditions there that are utterly ridiculous. Can you imagine if me or one of the kids, and cat scratches them, I have to phone within so many hours and report it, it’s ridiculous,” said Gustafson. “If a chicken flies over the cage, I have to report it in three hours.”
    Since the controversy and the decommissioning order, there has been support for the GuZoo rolling in. A group of volunteers has been helping with raising funds, working on enclosures and volunteering for daily chores. They have made a difference.
    “It’s kind of nice to have an extra hand or two, and after they have been here a couple times and get to know what they are doing, we don’t have to tell them,” said Gustafson.
    The GuZoo also held its annual Christmas pageant and drew about 500 people over two nights.
    “It’s great. Sometimes it’s cold and you don’t get a lot, and people wonder if it is worth doing, but I say it is, because it is more or less a thank-you to the people. I enjoy it too,” said Gustafson.

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