Who are you? Ashley Molyneux | DrumhellerMail

Who are you? Ashley Molyneux

ashley_molyneux.jpgName: Ashley Molyneux.
Employer: Longbranch Saloon.
Job title: Bartender.
Age: 25.
How long have you been in Drumheller? 25 years.
What do you like best about Drumheller? Golfing in the summer, friends, family.
If you could change one thing about Drumheller what would it be? Girl that loves shopping... We need an actual mall.
What do you like about your job?  Our cooler is the coldest in town and of course all the people who keep me company.
What do you do in your spare time? Read, work out, travel, golf, shop, bowl, girl time, and of course tan to keep my bronze color.
If you were granted three wishes from an angel or genie, what would they be?  Ability to fly, dual citizenship and 1000 wishes.  
What would you like to achieve this year? Making the big move out of Drum.
What’s your favourite movie and why? Napoleon Dynamite. The humour makes my tummy hurt.
Has reading a book ever changed your life? If yes, which one? I’m currently reading the book of Proverbs.  It’s really assisting me in looking at situations in a different way and hopefully it makes me an all around better person.  
If you could choose one super power, which would it be and why? Teleport. So I could go when I want where I want.
Any unusual habits? I never eat the last bite of any sandwiches.
If you found a $100 bill what would you do? Give it to a bum on the street. Or tip the person who’d made my latte that day.
If you could retire tomorrow, what would you do? To the airport I go!  
What’s on your playlist?  Teagan and Sara, pheonix, death cab for a cutie are my favs right now.
If you could be Prime Minister for one day what would you do? I’d never want to be Prime Minister. Politics are not my forte!
Words to live by? Keep fit and have fun! Body break :)