Who are you? Deanna Mabbott | DrumhellerMail

Who are you? Deanna Mabbott


Full Name:Deanna Mabbott

Job: Lumber estimator at the Drumheller Co-op

How old are you? 25.
How long have you been in Drumheller? My whole life!!
What do you like about your job? The people I get to see everyday, the customers but also the contractors, I like the banter I have with them.
If you were granted three wishes from an angel or genie, what would they be? Money, happiness and love.
What’s your favourite movie and why? Grease, because John Travolta is hot in that movie!
Who would you like most to meet? Country singer Brad Paisley, I think he is an awesome singer and I can relate to his songs, so I’d love to talk to him about his experiences in life.
What would you like to achieve this year? To win first place in Tuesday night pool league. It’s not looking good right now as we are in  last place!
What do you do to relax? Watch a movie, hang out with friends and I love karaoke too.
What is your favourite book/song?  My favourite book is Romeo and Juliet and Earl by Dixie Chicks for a song.
If money was no option what would you be doing? Singing, and paying someone lots to be good at it!!
If you were offered an all expenses paid dinner, where would you go? The Calgary Tower, I have never been there but would love to go for the experience!
What’s on your playlist? Country music.
If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? Anywhere in Canada as all my family and friends are here.
If you found a $100 bill what would you do? Finders keepers! And I’d blow it on stupid stuff!
Black or white? Both.