Who are you? Kav Salh | DrumhellerMail

Who are you? Kav Salh


Full Name: Kav Salh
Employer: Canadian Tire Manager,  Drumheller.
How old are you? 29 - today!! Born on January 8, 1981.
How long have you been in Drumheller? Four months.
Where are you originally from? Vancouver, BC.
What do you like about your job? Everyday challenges of improving the store and serving the community.
If you were granted three wishes from an angel or genie, what would you want?
-warmer weather
-warmer weather
-aaaaand warmer weather.
What’s your favourite movie and why? The Departed. An amazing cast and so well directed.
What was your New Year’s Resolution? To not have resolutions this year.
Has reading a book ever changed your life? If yes, which one? Yes. The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People.
If you were reborn, who would you want to be born as? Myself! I really enjoy my life the way it is.
If you found $100 what would you do? Probably take friends out for beers.
If you could retire tomorrow, what would you do? Help other people retire faster than they thought they could.
If you could travel back in time and meet yourself as a 10 year old kid, what advice would you give to yourself? “You’re not going to play in the NHL, so go inside and do your homework...”
If you could be Prime Minister for a day, what would you do? Resign.