Who Are You? Sally Bowles | DrumhellerMail

Who Are You? Sally Bowles

sally-bowles.jpgAge: 19.
Occupation: Lead performer for Cabaret.
Where do you work? The Kit Kat Klub. The hottest spot in all of Berlin.
What do you like about your job? The exhilarating rush and thrill of singing, dancing and acting on stage.
Political leanings: Everything will work itself out... I couldn’t care less about politics.
Who is your best friend? All of my wonderful, sexy and seductive Kit Kat girls.
Are you in a relationship? In a fairly open relationship with Clifford Bradshaw at this time. He’s an American Author.
Dreams or goals. To become a world renowned star!
How long  have you been in Berlin? Long enough to call it home.
Where are you originally from? London.
What are you hobbies and interests? Men, money, music and my career.
Who is your favourite band leader? The entire band is “perfectly marvelous.”
Favourite song? Cabaret, simply because that is my philosophy for life in general.
Your favourite book? There isn’t enough time between parties, working and more parties for reading.
Favourite author? I imagine it must be Cliff.
If you were stranded on a desert Island, what would you bring? A bottle of gin.
Perfect night out?? Every evening should be a celebration!
If I had a million dollars…  I’d buy my way to fame!
Words to live by? Life is a Cabaret!!