Who Are You? Tara Rosen | DrumhellerMail
Last updateThu, 16 Jan 2025 3pm

Who Are You? Tara Rosen


Occupation: Mortgage Associate
Employer: Me at mortgagewithtara.ca
Favourite thing about your job: I meet some interesting and wonderful people everyday.
Dream job: Dwyane Johnson stylist.
How long have you lived in the Valley: In the valley for 2 years, up the hill 8 years.
What is your favourite thing about the Valley: I love how the community comes together to help out when someone is in need.
Where do you see yourself 10 years from now? I’ll have teenage children then…so repeating my mom’s statements continuously and keeping a close eye at the Titans games.
If you were stranded on an island and could take three things what would they be? I should say my 3 children but my Meatloaf CDs, my horse and of course an abundance of pineapples.
First three words that come to mind to describe yourself: dedicated, fun, slightly A type personality.
If you could live in any period of history when would it be? Before we were taxed for everything.
If there was a movie about your life what would it be called? It only gets better!
And who would play you? Dwayne Johnson, just kidding, Rachel McAdams.
What is your favourite book and why? Eat Pray, Love. I read it at times it seemed relevant to my life.
Favourite childhood “Saturday morning” cartoon? And why? Astro Boy, not sure why.
What piece of technology could you not live without? I think like most its my cell phone but I’d like it to be my convection microwave but it’s to complicated for me.

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