Who Are You? Eric Neuman | DrumhellerMail

Who Are You? Eric Neuman


Age? 28
Job Title? River guide at Red Deer River Adventures.
What is your favourite part of your job? Being outside literally all day.
What is your favourite part of kayaking/canoeing? The excitement of rapids and being out in nature.
What is your favourite run of the Red Deer River? Starting in Cambria and floating to East Coulee is pretty amazing.
What is the longest kayaking/canoeing trip you have been on? When I was a kid we went on a 3-day camping/canoeing trip down the Red Deer River. It was pretty fun.
What made you decide to open business in the valley? I really wanted work where I could be outside and also meet new people.
If you were to survive the zombie apocalypse, what would be your tactic? I have actually talked about this a lot with some friends. We decided that the Royal Tyrrell Museum would work as a great base during the zombie apocalypse because it is self-sustaining. You could board up the garden and grow your own food.
Favourite music? I like all sorts of music. If I had to choose a band I like the most music from, it would have to be Queen or David Bowie.
Favourite TV Show? Game of Thrones.
If you could choose a super power, what would you choose? Telekinesis, because you can move yourself as well as other objects. That is way better than, say, flying.
If you could have dinner with anyone, dead or alive, who would it be? Jim Carrey, because he is funny and inspirational. He is also Canadian.
What is your life motto? It would have to be, do what you have to be to be successful, but most importantly do what makes you happy.