Who Are You? Carl Marjorae C. Estacio | DrumhellerMail

Who Are You? Carl Marjorae C. Estacio


Carl Marjorae C. Estacio

Age: 24
Employer: Freson Bros.
Job: Meat Cutter
Most interesting thing about the job? That I still have my fingers intact – still got the money makers.
What do you like most about Drumheller? The sites, the attractions, how the hills change colour dawn, noon, and night.
What would you change? It doesn’t change. It’s prehistoric, if I may say. But it took a piece of me and I love it.
Describe yourself in three words: Loony, happy-go-lucky, and sometimes serious. My concentration span is only 10 minutes, max.
How do you take your coffee? Dark – a double shot of espresso for those crazy nights.
What do you do for fun? Walk through the river, good ol’ times with friends. What to do with your money when you’re young but spend it on fun. And I’m always taking care of my pet snake, Lucy.
What do you feed her? Frozen mice. While I was doing the highway cleanup I found some mice but they escaped from the box.
Favourite music? All about the post-rock, metal. Anything that pumps up the beats. But number one will always be The Beatles.
Who do you want to have dinner with? God, when I pass away.
Would you survive a zombie apocalypse? Probably not. I’d rather die for my friends than my friends die for me.