Who Are You? Sarah Schulz | DrumhellerMail

Who Are You? Sarah Schulz


Age: 18
Employer: Visitor Information at the World’s Largest Dinosaur. I’m a summer student.
What do you study? Travel and Tourism at SAIT.
What will you do after school? I want to work for the tour operators “G Adventures.” They organize trips based on your interests and give back to workers in visited countries by providing jobs.
What do you like most about your job? It’s cool helping people get to where they’re going. Also it’s interesting seeing people from other countries learn about Drumheller.
Describe yourself in three words: It’s difficult, but: outgoing, positive outlook, and wanderlust.
Wanderlust? You like to travel? I actually just got back from Vietnam. Some villagers invited us into their homes and I saw how content they were without the things we take for granted.
Where have you travelled? Through the States, Cuba, and Vietnam.
What’s your favourite dinosaur? The ceratops, because we share a name: “Sarahtops.”
How do you take your coffee? Two cream, two sugar.
Favourite food? Chinese food.
Who would you like to have dinner with? Leonardo Di Caprio. He’s my man crush.
Favourite Leo film? The Revenant.
Would you survive a zombie apocalypse? No! I’d probably just hide until someone found me.