Starland Fishing Derby set for Saturday | DrumhellerMail

Starland Fishing Derby set for Saturday

Michichi Dam

This weekend anglers will have an opportunity to test their mettle at the Starland Fishing Derby at the Michichi Dam.

This is the third year that Starland has been organizing the event, carrying on a tradition started in memory of Ryan Savary.

The Starland Fishing Derby is casting Saturday, August 26. This is the third year that the county has hosted the event.

However, its roots go back over two decades as the Ryan Savary Memorial Fishing Derby.

“The last two derbies we still referred to it as the Ryan Savary Derby, but we don’t officially call it that anymore,” said Glen Riep, who is working to organize the event.

The event is open to all fishermen and fisherwomen of all ages and experience. Registration is from 7 a.m. to 11 a.m. and the Derby closes at 4 p.m. Starland will have a hot dog barbecue for participants.

Reip says the derby is a great chance for some wholesome family time.

It has been consistently a popular event, and last year brought dozens of anglers.

“We are trying to get more kids involved. Wildlife sporting activities are starting to really suffer, young people just aren’t taking part in them anymore. So we want to promote that family side of it,” said Riep.
Fishers under 5 are free.

There are prizes in various categories and age groups and draw prizes. The trophies include the Ryan Savary Award, the catch closest to 1 pound 2 ounces.

For more information go to, or contact its office at 403-772-3793.