Dana Yemen appointed DVSS principal for 2024-2025 | DrumhellerMail

Dana Yemen appointed DVSS principal for 2024-2025

Dana Yemen

Last week Golden Hills School Division announced the appointment of Dana Yemen to the position of Principal of Drumheller Valley Secondary School commencing the 2024/2025 school year.
Yemen holds a Bachelor of Physical Education Degree from the University of Alberta, a Bachelor of Education from the University of Calgary, and a Masters of Education in the Field of Educational Leadership from the University of Calgary.
Yemen has served as Vice Principal of DVSS since the 2018-2019 school year.
“We feel her 15 years of teaching experience and her instructional coach experience, as well as being a working member of various committees in Golden Hills, will serve her well in her new administrative role,” stated a release
The division wishes Yemen every success in her new leadership position at Drumheller Valley Secondary School.