O’Brien acclaimed as Carbon Councillor | DrumhellerMail

O’Brien acclaimed as Carbon Councillor


    The Village of Carbon has a new councillor after Renee O’Brien was acclaimed.
    Nomination Day was Thursday, July 12, and O’Brien put her hat in the ring and was uncontested.
    This comes after a turbulent time in Carbon which saw three Councillors and a CAO resign. The most recently, long time councillor and mayor Guss Nash announced his resignation.
    O’Brien is a long time resident. She graduated from Carbon School and is now raising her family in the community. She has an extensive volunteerism background and has sat on many boards and groups in the community including the Carbon Library  Board, the skatepark and Rec Board, to name a few.
    “I feel that by me becoming a council member, I am able to learn more about our community and represent it in a positive way! Carbon has many great qualities and I want to help add more to that list,” she said.