Police investigate smash and grab at Drum Wireless | DrumhellerMail

Police investigate smash and grab at Drum Wireless

20180531 105925

There is a heavy police presence in downtown Drumheller as Drum Wireless reports of a theft this morning, Thursday, May 31.
According to Drum Wireless’ Facebook page, they say are closed today and tomorrow after being the victim of a smash and grab.
At about 11 a.m., they report that three tall black men in zip-up hoodies, dark pants, and black shoes entered the store, smashed displays and stole Apple products, iPhones, and iPads.

They fled on foot heading south. There were no injuries and it does not appear there were weapons involved. Local store owners are working with police to send their electronic video footage to the surrounding detachments. Police say a black Infinity G35 may be involved.

Constable Jason Girard says this may not be an isolated incident. There have been reported of a number of similar incidents in surrounding communities.
Drum Wireless will reopen Monday, June 4.
Police are currently in the downtown core, as well as a canine unit investigating the incident.
