Fildebrandt out | DrumhellerMail

Fildebrandt out


MLA for Brooks-Strathmore, Derek Fildebrandt, is a man without a place in caucus or a party.

This comes after United Conservative Party (UCP) Leader, Jason Kenney, issued a statement regarding Mr Fildebrant’s future with the party.

   “I have therefore decided that Mr. Fildebrandt will not be permitted to return to our Caucus, a decision supported by our Caucus following consultations earlier today,” it reads.

Fildebrandt has been an outspoken MLA and has made many headlines over the last year including posting his government subsidized home in Edmonton for rent on airbnb and also pleaded guilty to leaving the scene of an accident under the Traffic Safety Act.

Most recently on Friday morning, February 2, he pleaded guilty in a provincial courtroom in Didsbury, to illegally shooting a deer on private lands and was fined $3,000.  

He also faced punishment from the party he once called home. Within the hour, Kenney issued his statement.

    "As elected representatives, we must be expected to show the highest level of integrity. MLA Derek Fildebrandt has unfortunately demonstrated a pattern of behavior that does not meet that standard,” said Kenney.

He outlined the party’s interaction with Fildebrandt, particularly a meeting last November where the party canvassed Mr. Fildebrandt on an whether there were outstanding matters it should be aware of, before considering bringing him back into the fold.

   “We questioned Mr. Fildebrandt extensively for an hour. At no point during that meeting did Mr. Fildebrandt disclose that just 25 days prior he had been charged with the offence which led to his court hearing today,” Kenney states.

“I can only conclude that Mr. Fildebrandt deliberately misled us in refusing to disclose this outstanding charge. Consequently, neither I nor our Caucus can have confidence in the veracity of his undertakings to us.”

Going forward, Kenney says the party will employ a rigorous screening process for future candidates.

   “If a prospective nominee deliberately misleads the Party about outstanding legal or ethical issues in the same way that Mr. Fildebrandt misled us about his outstanding legal charges, they will be disqualified automatically from seeking a nomination. We must insist on transparency and honesty to ensure the integrity of our candidate screening process. Consequently, as Party Leader, I have decided that Mr. Fildebrandt will not be permitted to seek a United Conservative Party nomination.”