Starland appoints new CAO | DrumhellerMail

Starland appoints new CAO


Long-time Starland County Assistant CAO Shirley Bremer has been appointed to succeed Ross Rawlusyk as the next CAO of the County.

Bremer has served the county since 1988, and brings a wealth of experience and familiarity with the responsibility of the position. She was appointed at the County’s regular meeting on Wednesday, April 26. Her appointment is effective May 1.

“I am very happy that Council selected Shirley as Starland County’s new CAO,” said Rawlusyk. “She is very familiar with the County and its operations, and she ably filled in for me while I was away having medical treatment. I’ll certainly assist in any way I can.”

Rawlusyk leaves his position after nearly 30 years of service. Bremer will become the fifth CAO of Starland County since 1943.