What does Terry Fox mean to you? | DrumhellerMail

What does Terry Fox mean to you?

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37 Years ago on April 12, Terry Fox began his Marathon of Hope.

On the occasion of Canada’s 150th birthday, the Terry Fox Foundation is asking students what Terry means to them. They are inviting students to log on to terryfox.org and share their personal feeling on Terry’s legacy.

While his Marathon took place years before any students attending school today were even born, his legacy continues with millions of dollars raised for cancer research in his name. Every year, schools across Canada, and indeed the world, take part in the annual run.

Drumheller schools have always been supportive of the Terry Fox Run, including St. Anthony’s School which out of 1,400 schools in the territory is ranked 13 in fundraising. Because of their effort, Terry’s brother Fred Fox, came to the school to address the students.

St. Anthony’s School run organizer Gavin Makse is encouraging students to log on and share what Terry Fox means to them.  Already dozens of students have shared how Terry’s legacy plays a role in their lives.

The Terry Fox Foundation will be drawing names from the submissions to receive one of 150 exclusive Terry Fox Run shirts.

To share what Terry Fox means to you, click here.