Voting strong Drumheller as Canada’s Most Rider Friendly Community | DrumhellerMail

Voting strong Drumheller as Canada’s Most Rider Friendly Community

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Drumheller has a jump on the competition to become Canada’s MOST Rider Friendly Community.

Drumheller is one of six finalists for western Canada and eight nationwide for the contest created by Renee ”Belt Drive Betty” Charbonneau, and presented by Community Futures of Alberta.

That was just the first stage and right now voting to go on round two and eventually to see which community will be named the Most Rider Friendly Community. The grand prize is a multimedia marketing package valued at $35,000.

Voting opened on February 17 and as of Wednesday, February 22, Drumheller has jumped out in the lead with more than 500 votes.

However, the community still needs your support. The voting continues until March 2.

To pledge your support go to and vote. Each person is eligible to vote once per day.