IKEA Canada purchases Wintering HIlls Wind farm | DrumhellerMail

IKEA Canada purchases Wintering HIlls Wind farm

20170126 C5691 PHOTO EN 867804

IKEA Canada has taken a leap in its own goal to become resource and energy independent by purchasing the Wintering Hills Wind power installation.

The wind farm was originally constructed by Suncor and Teck Resources, and it went online in 2011. Today, the company announced it has purchased the wind farm from current co-owners Teck Resources and TransAlta Corporation.

"We are committed to having a positive impact on people and the planet," said Brendan Seale, Sustainability Manager, IKEA Canada. "This investment in renewable energy supports our business and moves us closer to our global ambition to produce more renewable energy than we consume by 2020."

The 88MW wind farm between Dalum and Hussar, consists of 55 windmills that will generate 275 Kilowatt Hours of energy, enough to power 54 IKEA stores or 26,000 Canadian households.

This is not the first time they have invested in wind energy in Alberta. In 2013, the company purchased a 48MW wind farm near Pincher Creek. These installations could produce more than four times the energy that IKEA operations in Canada consume.