Man saves Deer from Red Deer River (video) | DrumhellerMail

Man saves Deer from Red Deer River (video)

Deer Falls Through Ice Red Deer River Drumheller

An interesting video taken on Dec 10 by Laura Dougan has surfaced and is trending online lately of a man rescuing a Deer from a frozen river near Drumheller. A local man, Matthew Paproski, donned a life jacket and Climbed down the bank and attempts to rescue the deer from the Red Deer River. 

A video edited by Jon Sheppard and Starland Studios shows the Doe's entire Body submerged under icy water as the man waded into the river through the ice. He then gets around behind the deer which motivates the deer to head towards shore. The deer and the man struggle for a few moments before the deer is able to get on top of the ice and slide safely to shore.

Matt said, "I happen to be an ex-firefighter with military experience and do not recommend those without experience to do such things in case they get themselves in trouble" He was most nervous when he was in water next to deer and they were eye to eye and he could be hurt, until he realized how weak she was.  It took a rope around her and a last burst of energy to lift her out of the water. Matt continued to say that it made him laugh to see her slide on the ice in her haste to get away to safety. "This made me realize how important it is to help any animal that's in distress if you can."

He would like to thank, April De Smet, Ted and Peggy Ginger, his on shore help and Brian Yanish from MarketingHits for helping him to get the word out on social media asking people to share the video that encourages others to help animals in need.