Make a miracle this Christmas | DrumhellerMail

Make a miracle this Christmas

miracle light

    In the 10 years since the Morgan Jayne Project was founded, it has made an incredible difference in the lives of families and children in the Roatan. It has literally saved the lives of hundreds of children born into families where Aids is a serious health concern.
    One initiative that always brings smiles to the faces for the children in Roatan, and the many generous supports of the project is it annual Christmas Miracle.
    The concept is simple, bring Christmas to children where is it just not an option for the family.  These children are the poorest to poor, often orphans, or living a one-parent family because one as died. Many are raised by grandparents and live hand to mouth.
    “They will not have Christmas without you,” states the annual wish list. “They constantly struggle the rest of the year so Christmas is the one day a year we give them back their childhood, feed them and give them something they really wanted for Christmas.”
This year there are 90 entries on the wish list. This is the second year that the List has been linked to Amazon, and it has been a great success for the project. In previous years, thousands of dollars went into shipping the gifts to the island. With Amazon, supports can simply use the online retailer and have the items shipped at a fraction of the cost, if not free when using Amazon Prime.  
    Fred Makowecki, founder of the Morgan Jayne Project understands how difficult it is it this economic climate for many families to be able to give. While many donors will sponsor child’s whole list, supporters can buy as many or as little items, many are $5-$10. The gifts are simple toys or needed clothing.
To support the Christmas Miracle got to the Morgan Jayne Project Facebook page or and follow the Amazon Wish List link. The deadline for ordering is November 15.