Dorothy volunteers take on camp kitchen project | DrumhellerMail

Dorothy volunteers take on camp kitchen project


The Grassroots of Dorothy are showing their dedication to the small but picturesque community, this year rebuilding its picnic structure. 

Over the years, the cadre of volunteers have been busy raising funds and taking on projects that preserve the history of the community. 

This includes the refurbishing of the two historic churches and acting as caretaker for the elevator and other resources. 

This spring and summer, they focused their energy on rebuilding the picnic structure at the small playground area and campground. 

“We moved it off the foundation, put in a new pad and a brand new camp kitchen there, just trying it make it a little better for people coming and going,” said Jim Faubion. 

He said the roof of the kitchen was beginning to sag, and it was time for an upgrade. While often they are working on preserving the historic resources, this was a new renovation. He said they took special effort to make it fit the look of the historical community. 

The group was supported by a small grant from Special Areas to build the new kitchen. 

The site is a hidden gem in the badlands for picnickers and camper alike. Faubion says they are still focusing on repairing the Dorothy elevator, which lost its roof in a storm last July.