61-year-old graduates with DVSS class of 2016 | DrumhellerMail


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61-year-old graduates with DVSS class of 2016


Ken Briault, a 61-year-old resident of Drumhller, has accomplished a lot in his lifetime, and he added another one Saturday.

He had attended Red Deer College for Business Eduction, majoring in marketing, received a journeyman ticket, and been an active part in the community through the Drumheller Rotary Club. 

There was one thing missing from his great track record. That was English 30, preventing him from receiving a high school diploma.

Briault, wanting to fill that missing link, set out to challenge his English 30 diploma. He rewrote the test and passed with an 83%. 

“It was fantastic. I have been wanting to do it for a long time and it was great to finally complete it,” says Briault.” 

 Briault walked down in his cap and gown on Saturday, May 28, with the other 2016 graduates of DVSS. 

“The kids accepted me into their class, and quite a few of them congratulated me. It was nice to present the Peter Bancroft award also in my cap and gown. It was overall a really great experience.” 

Briault says he was surprised how easy it was to challenge the diploma. 

“As easy as it was to get it done, I was nervous because I had not been in school so long. I thank God for (DVSS teacher) Lynn Hemming. She gave me books, previous essays and all the tools I would need to prepare for when I wrote the test.”
Briault received his diploma with friends and family watching at the ceremony held at the Badlands Community Facility. 

“My advice to anyone who would like to do the same thing, is to stop waiting and just do it," he said.