Local knitters spinning a mystery | DrumhellerMail

Local knitters spinning a mystery


Observant residents may have noticed Wednesday morning, a number of dinosaurs throughout town look a little more cozy, thanks to some local knitters.

The dinosaurs at the intersection of 3rd Avenue and Centre Street, as well as the sabre-toothed tiger at the intersection of Highway 9 and 10 in front of The Beef Club have been “yarnstormed” with sweaters, scarves, hats and capes.


Marley Henneigh of the Dino-Arts Association is aware of the actions of the mystery group of knitters, although she could not comment on who they are. She does say they expect they may strike again in a couple weeks’ time.

According to Knit the City, “Guerilla knitting or ‘yarnstorming’ is the art of conjuring up a piece of knitting or crochet, taking out in the world, releasing it into the wild, and running away like a mad thing.”
