Silent Auction for Zachary Howell | DrumhellerMail

Silent Auction for Zachary Howell



On February 19, Hanna’s ATB Financial’s Sr. Customer Service Representative Kandi Rose spoke with The Mail.  Rose is coordinating a silent auction for Hanna resident two-year-old Zachary Howell.  According to the ATB Financial Facebook auction site, Hearts for Howell’s,   “Zachary has  been diagnosed with Primitive Sarcoma (cancer which affects the soft tissue) and is currently undergoing treatment at the Alberta Children’s Hospital in Calgary.”  His mother, Rachel  Thomson is with him at Ronald McDonalds house, Calgary, and will be for a few months.  His father Joey Howell is back working at the Super A in Hanna and also at home taking care of  Zachary’s sibling.”   The bidding can be done on the Facebook site “Hearts for Howell’s” by placing your bid in the comments section or calling the branch, 403-854-4404.