Fire destroys everything, donations are needed | DrumhellerMail

Fire destroys everything, donations are needed

fire duplex jan 8 

 According to Becky Morse, her son Jeff Morse had just put a load of laundry in the dryer and decided to go visit the neighbors along with his ex-wife Tiffany Bailie who was visiting from Red Deer.  
    On their way back to his home, they saw the fire and smoke and thought that it was really close to Jeff’s residence. Unfortunately, his whole side of the fourplex was destroyed.    His children were at Grandma Becky Morse’s home, so they were safe and sound.
  Jeff had just started working at the Ramada site  and lost all his work clothes, tools and his new hard hat. Jeff had just put up new bunk beds for his kids which were also lost, along with all their furniture, appliances, clothing, toys and everything else.
    Century 21 agents and staff are organizing furniture and clothing donations for those displaced by the fire. An account has been set up at ATB. Contact at 403-823-2121,