Movember men clean up | DrumhellerMail

Movember men clean up

mo after

Mo before

Alas, women of Drumheller can rejoice, no longer are they subjected to the food-encrusted growth of straggly hair on their man’s upper lip. No longer are they subjected to scratchy kisses or mistake their husband for characters from Supertroopers.

    In short, Movember is over.
    The Chop Shop had the cure for getting rid of the caterpillar–like growths infesting faces throughout the valley and on November 27 held the second annual Movember Shave.
    A number of Movember supporters picked up pledge forms early on in the month to raise funds for the Drumheller Area Health Foundation, and last Friday came down and saw their month’s worth of hair growth vanish in seconds.
 Cathy Morse of the Chop Shop said they had a stream of participants come through the shop to reclaim their faces much to the delight of their significant others.
    She said the shave raised $2,065 for the Drumheller Area Health Foundation. The funds are earmarked for men’s health.