DVSS serves up a great Christmas dinner | DrumhellerMail

DVSS serves up a great Christmas dinner

senior dinner

The Drumheller Valley Secondary School will be holding their 22 Annual Seniors Christmas Dinner on Thursday December 10.  The “Reservations Required” Christmas dinner meal will be served to over 350 seniors and guests.
    There will be 225 students participating in this event, from greeting you at the door, checking in your coat, pinning  the corsages, escorting guests and seniors to their tables, preparing the food, plating the food and finally serving the food.  It is being held in the DVSS gymnasium and the doors will open at 11:30 with the meal served at noon.
    The DVSS Jr. and Sr. High School bands and choirs will keep the seniors and guests entertained, while the meal is being enjoyed.
    The cost to you, is only your presence, however you must make reservations.  Please call Rose Poulson, Seniors Service Coordinator, at 403-823-1317.
    DVSS Principal Curtis LaPierre mentioned that the Town of Drumheller, through their Seniors Programs, donated $2,000 towards this event to help with the costs.