Fill your Red Bag for the Food Bank | DrumhellerMail

Fill your Red Bag for the Food Bank

red bagsREVISED

The annual Salvation Army Food Bank Drive is this Thursday, November 26. Volunteers will be blitzing the community collecting donations to help stock the Food Bank in a year of tremendous need. Tucked inside this week’s inSide Drumheller is a red grocery bag. Residents wishing to support the local food drive can fill their red bag, and leave it on their porch Thursday evening for volunteers to quickly pick up. To learn more, or to help pick up food, contact Summer Manca at 403-821-3163, or Kim Suntjens at 403-820-2100. To help sort donations, come to Greentree Mall after 6:30 p.m. Thursday night. (l-r) Shane and Captain Jennifer Hillier, Kim and Jill Suntjens and Summer Manca are ready to fill the shelves at the Food Bank.